Thursday, March 29, 2012

Post - 3.28.12

Hello everyone!

Great things are happening and still going as planned.
  • Final edits are almost completed
  • Book cover is closer to being revealed
  • As of right now, the eBook should be released sometime in May
  • As of right now, the Paperback should be released sometime in June
Once I have firm dates I will inform everyone!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Excerpt 3.7.12

Another excerpt from my upcoming novel...

"Hey, that was pretty cool what you did Tyler."
"Thanks. I thought so too," Tyler mumbled to the voice behind him.
"Nobody ever stood up to Graeson before. Ever since I've been here he's always been a jerk to me."
       Tyler turned to see who talked to him and he could not believe his eyes. A beautiful girl with long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes about ten feet away, kneeling by the hallway wall, avoiding flying objects and clutching her books, smiled back at him.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Excerpt 2.29.12

Here is another excerpt from my upcoming novel.

"Tyler climbed over the rusty chain link fence while Maxx crawled under. He leaned over the edge of the cesspool then reached into his pocket to pull out the trusty test tube he used for collecting bugs. The same bugs he loved to hide in Rebekka MacDougal's purse."


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 Please take a look then pledge is possible... Sincerely, Laurence KickStarter